State Agency Members
Agency-level Members
- Arizona Game and Fish Departments
- Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
- Alabama Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources
- Alaska Department of Fish and Game
- Colorado Parks & Wildlife
- Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Wildlife Div.
- Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission
- Georgia Department of Natural Resources
- Hawaii Department of Land & Natural Resources
- Idaho Fish and Game
- Indiana Department of Natural Resources
- Iowa Department of Natural Resources
- Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks
- Kentucky Fish and Wildlife
- Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
- Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife
- Maryland Department of Natural Resources
- Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife
- Michigan Department of Natural Resources
- Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
- Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
- Missouri Department of Conservation
- Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks
- Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
- New Hampshire Fish & Game Dept.
- New Jersey Division of Fish & Wildlife
- New Mexico Department of Game and Fish
- New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
- Nevada Department of Wildlife
- North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission
- North Dakota Game and Fish Department
- Ohio DNR Division of Wildlife
- Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
- Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Pennsylvania Game Commission
- Rhode Island DEM Division of Fish & Wildlife
- South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
- South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks
- Tennessee State Parks/Tennessee Conservationist Magazine
- Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency
- Texas Parks & Wildlife Department
- Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
- Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department
- Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources
- Washington DC Department of Energy and Environment
- Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
- West Virginia DNR
- Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
- Wyoming Game and Fish Department
“Non-map” Agency-level Members
- Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies
- Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports
- Choctaw Nation Wildlife Conservation
- National Deer Association
- Outdoor Stewards of Conservation Foundation
- Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation
- South Carolina Conservation Association
- Tennessee Wildlife Federation
- U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Individual Members
- Gina Jackson
- Michael Reinemer
Sponsor Members
- National Bowhunter Education Foundation
Supporting Members
- DJ Case & Associates
- Southwick Associates
Most member agencies are involved in the full range of public information and education activities, three of which are paramount: news releases, printed publications and electronic media. Newer focal areas of our work include video, social media, apps and data management.
Historically, one of the most important functions of member agencies has been magazine publication. Most member agencies publish high-quality, full-color wildlife conservation, parks or natural resource magazines – in print and/or digital (online) format.
Production is now taking on an increased emphasis. Many member agencies are deeply involved in the production of television and radio public service announcements, television programs, video productions, films and multi-media presentations.
Audio-visual sections also shoot still photographs for use in agency publications — including high-quality images for magazines — and prepare exhibits for fairs and other public events. Audio-visuals also support active speakers’ bureaus among member agencies.
Many member agencies work closely with public schools preparing teacher guidance courses and other natural resource or wildlife material useful in public education. Some member agencies also conduct extensive teacher workshops on conservation education. Project WILD and Aquatic WILD are important components of many of these educational activities.
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