COVID-19’s effect on The Balance Wheel
By Scott Ball, TBW Editor
There are several reasons why I’m disappointed we couldn’t have an ACI Conference this year.
I missed the annual reunion with so many ACI friends – and the opportunity to meet new ones. It also dries up the content well for The Balance Wheel.
As you may have noticed, each issue of The Balance Wheel includes highlights from one or more sessions of the previous conference. These are written by those who attend the conference on a travel scholarship and are presented as a benefit to those who could not attend and to refresh the memories of those who were there.
So much for that source of content.
As a result, the next few issues may not be as jam-packed as usual. As always, we’ll share important ACI news – Award winners, deadlines, conference updates, etc. We still have several articles in the can, which we’ll publish in the coming months. We also plan to pick a few “greatest hits” – and republish articles from past issues that are still worth reading, as well as tips and highlights from ACI Award winners.
And (here comes the pitch) we’re hoping that ACI members will be willing to contribute to The Balance Wheel. One of the most valuable benefits of ACI membership is the sharing of information – new techniques, new technology that improves our work, success stories, lessons learned the hard way. Please consider writing a few hundred words about something your agency is doing that would benefit the rest of us. Contact me by email, and I’ll be glad to provide submission guidelines and discuss your ideas.
Thanks for your interest. It’s going to be an interesting year. Please come along for the ride.