President’s Message

Kim Nix, ACI President
I’m pleased to report that Wisconsin and Idaho have re-joined ACI after a gap of many years, and I want to welcome them back. These states are now eligible to enter the ACI Awards Contest. As a reminder, your state must be a member in good standing (dues paid) by Dec. 31, 2017 to be able to submit entries for the awards. Our goal is to have all 50 states as members so we can all benefit from sharing ideas and information.
Go ahead and mark your calendars for July 29-Aug. 2, 2018. That’s when the ACI Annual Conference will be held in Springfield, Missouri. Conference Chairperson Heather Feeler and her team have already started planning the agenda and speakers, and I’m confident you will learn something new and valuable to take back to your organization.
I can’t believe it’s here already, but Thanksgiving is upon us once again. Where does the time go? I’m thankful for many things, ACI is one of them. No matter how you celebrate, I wish each of you a happy holiday season!