President’s Message – Love Letter to ACI
By Jenifer Wisniewski, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency

ACI President, Jenifer Wisniewski
Every July I look forward to seeing my memories pop up on social media, because I know I’ll have almost 10 years of great ACI conferences to remember. I get to think back on all the great places we have been and getting to know so many of you!
Today I got to see our Nebraska City boat ride on the Missouri River. My memories of that conference have “Highway to the Danger Zone” playing in them and are haunted by a girl from the Morton Salt Mansion. Then another boat ride popped up in Lake Tahoe! Another great ACI Conference!
Here are some reasons I just love ACI:
- For the ideas I steal from other states that are truly innovative and cutting edge (makes me look really smart).
- For the commiserating with those who also have to simplify “biologist speak” into English.
- For learning how to get creative with few monetary resources to do widespread public communications and engagement!
- For all the boat rides in wonderful places. (Let’s not forget Savannah!)
- For the friendships and memories and knowing that there is so much more to come!
- For a FREE conference this year, since it is going to be virtual. I think I’ll take pictures and post them to social media just so I can remember this year in the years to come.
- For allowing me to be president for the past three years. 😊
As my final Balance Wheel message as President, I want to say thank you. In the past 3 years we have done a lot as an organization, and getting to serve all of you has been a pleasure. ACI is such a wonderful group that I will be an active part of for many years to come!
Enough with the sappy stuff, are you all ready for a FREE, virtual ACI? You should all register and come with open ears ready to learn something useful. There are some really cool sessions if you haven’t checked out the agenda yet. Get registered!
I’ll pass the reins of the President’s Message on to our Vice President, Lance Cherry from New Mexico now.
Signing off, yours truly
Jenifer Wisniewski
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