President’s Message – What’s new for 2017

Kim Nix, ACI President
By Kim Nix, Alabama Department of Conservation & Natural Resources
Happy New Year to each of you! I am looking forward to the positive changes taking place in ACI during 2017. I told you about one of those – the awards program – in the last newsletter. Our new online system is ready to accept entries, so please spread the word.
Another positive change for ACI is the revamped website. I want to recognize Lance Cherry (NM) for transitioning the old website to a WordPress format so we have a new design and an easier way to make updates. This isn’t part of Lance’s job description as ACI Secretary, but he volunteered because he had the necessary skills, and I want to personally thank him for the work he put in to making the website better.
If you haven’t visited recently, please give it a look. Here are just a few helpful things you can find on the website:
- A directory of members with their phone numbers and email addresses.
- Agency and member website links.
- Upcoming conference details.
- Information about the annual awards contest as well as past winners.
- Job openings in natural resources.
If you see an outdated link or have a job your agency would like to post to the ACI website, just contact our Communications Manager, Scott Ball.
Finally, I want to share some information about an organization I recently discovered and find useful. The Poynter Institute is located in St. Petersburg, Florida, but has an online presence that you should check out. Their e-learning platform consists of self-directed training, online group seminars and webinars.
I recently took one of their webinars, “Getting to the Point: Editing for Structure and Focus,” and found it helpful and reasonably priced ($35). As a member of the American Copy Editors Society, I receive a discount on Poynter’s classes. After taking a webinar you have access to replaying it at a later date as a refresher.
I’m very impressed by the range of classes they offer, from “The Power of Word Choice” to “Creating a Social Media Strategy.” They also offer an advanced editing certificate you can receive by taking several courses over time. If you’re interested in learning more, visit
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